Fireplace Mantels and Chimneypieces 1

Fireplace Mantels and Chimneypieces

If you want to add a cozy and inviting ambiance to your home, a fireplace is an excellent choice. You need to think about the mantel type, damper and lining. You should choose the best mantel for Recommended Studying your wood-burning fireplace to enhance its appeal. These factors will impact the appearance of your fireplace, and how it can be used. When you have any issues regarding in which and also how you can use Pellet stove sale, you possibly can contact us on the web page.


A mantel for a fireplace is a decorative framework that surrounds the fireplace. It’s also called a chimneypiece. While it used to simply be a hood that extended over the fire grate, the term has evolved over the years to encompass a much wider scope than its traditional definition. Modern mantels can be elaborate and extend to the ceiling. There are many options for mantels to suit every type of fireplace.

Selecting a plan is the first step to building a mantel. The plan will include a dimension-based diagram and a detailed cut-list. It is important that the plan is precise and that the pieces are measured in parallel and square. You will also want to apply two coats of varnish or paint to the wood to get a uniform finish. Once you have finished that, you can begin decorating your mantel. This will change the proportions and will give you a new focal point in your living space.


Your fireplace’s safety system includes a fireplace damper. If your fireplace damper is not functioning properly, dangerous carbon monoxide could enter your home. In order to prevent this, keep the damper open two-thirds of the way. This will decrease the intensity of the fire and increase its efficiency. The downside is that if you leave the damper open, smoke and ash could escape.

Try lighting a piece paper and pointing it towards the chimney to test your damper. The smoke should start rising towards the chimney. You can also inspect the damper from the outside. However, you will need binoculars. The damper should not open if it is damaged or in need of repair. You may also need to replace the damper if it is stuck closed or not opening. Ask a family member or friend who is familiar with fireplaces to help you determine which part is failing.


A lintel is the horizontal beam that supports a fireplace chimney. The supports usually extend 4 inches into each wall and can be made out of stone, brick, metal, or both. The lintel is used to support the chimney’s weight as well as protect other parts from high temperatures. You must follow the instructions to install a fireplace lintel. But you should be aware that there are risks, such as possible injury and fire damage.

Some lintels can be made from wood, but most modern lintels made of steel. You can find a steel lintel with L-sections, or you can choose a brick one with a channel design. Concrete lintels have similar characteristics as brick ones. However, wood lintels are not as common as they once were. Furthermore, wood lintels can be hazardous, so it is important to get rid of them immediately.

Fireplace Mantels and Chimneypieces 2

Fireplaces with wood-burning stoves

A wood-burning fireplace can add warmth and comfort to any room. It’s possible to enjoy its flickering flames or orange hot coals. These fireplaces can also be used to heat water and other home appliances. However, these fireplaces require maintenance, and you should always consider a replacement door gasket. There are many replacement parts available.

A wood-burning fireplace comes with a firebox as well as a hearth. You should season the wood you use to make it burn more efficiently, produce less smoke, and reduce creosote buildup. Wood fuel is typically cheaper than other types of fuel and can be easily found in your area. Wood fireplaces will give you a natural, warm ambiance that isn’t masked by synthetic smells and odors. If you have any type of concerns pertaining to where and Recommended Studying how to use wood stove on sale, you can contact us at our web-site.