At a meeting I was attending a few weeks back again a question was asked – “Is it possible to run business rules through ODI? Now it is certainly true that none of them of the adaptors have the features to perform business guidelines but I thought I would go through a couple of ways that it is possible to execute them.
This is likely to be based around traditional business rules and not calc manager ones. Anyway in your business processes you might have business rules that are run a scheduled basis and also you want to incorporate them with your current ODI processes. The important parameter to watch out for is -fRun Time Prompts document as even though you are not using run time prompts you nevertheless still need to provide information which database you want the guideline to be run against.
The run time prompts document can be produced from within EAS by right clicking on a rule and choosing “Automate Launch Variables” which will create a file. You are able to manually modify the file to add in more run time prompts if required. Ok, so we need to transfer this example to ODI.
In the developer you’ll need to create a new procedure, add a new command and arranged it against “OPERATING-SYSTEM” technology. In the event that you perform the task as it could it be will fail then. The script uses a relative path so none of the java files will be put into the classpath, I created a host variable to indicate the EAS directory and updated the batch script to use it.
It is your decision whether you want to use a host variable or just established one up in the batch script. You also have to be aware that whenever calling the control collection launcher from ODI you need to specify the location of the password file and run time prompts file otherwise you won’t locate the data files.
Once again, this is done by hard coding the road or using environment factors. Another option would be use ODI factors and they could be established a run time if required. You could set a variable up for every parameter of the order line call. In this manner the variables could be set when you run the integration or they could be constants or established by retrieving the information from desks or files, there are many different options to choose from. This right time when you execute the procedure it should through with no problems.
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Before you start you will need to use a number jar files in your classpath, most of them are shown in the batch document but I found it required an extra jar file to obtain it working (xalan.jar). I copied them all to some other directory website just. You will also need the HBRCLient.propeties file as the java code searches for this file by default.
The main method is not needed this is merely to test the java code was functioning; it could be removed after screening. In using the java example you don’t need to provide the located area of the password file you can move it directly into the method, regrettably you still need to provide the location of the run time prompts file. I did take a glance whether you could get round this and it is possible but you would have to change the primary java code and I didn’t want to head in that path.